Heavy Duty, Truck and Trailer Oils

Heavy Duty, Truck and Trailer Oils

   Long-distance vehicles such as heavy-duty vehicles, trucks and lorries face many challenges every day, in harsh weather conditions and under extreme load. For this reason, the oil used is very valuable in order to ensure maximum efficiency in time and cost. A high performance and durable engine oil creates the opportunity to offer you the highest level of performance and efficiency. For this reason, Total Energies has developed RUBIA motor oils, which are approved by international authorities, which are reliable and of high quality.

   TOTAL RUBIA TIR reduces your cost with TOTAL FUEL ECONOMY (FE) technology. Independent organizations such as MILLBROOK, TUV and VCA have proven that TOTAL FUEL ECONOMY Technology provides fuel savings of up to 3% for EURO 4 engines, or up to 1 liter per 100km. Thanks to its LOW SAPS technology, TOTAL RUBIA TIR protects the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) of your engine by containing lower amounts of sulfated ash, phosphorus and sulfur.

   TOTAL RUBIA TIR's "T.I.R" technology reveals the top performance of your diesel engine vehicle fleet. TOTAL PROTECTION is produced specially for complete protection, INTERNATIONAL APPROVALS international approvals, REDUCED COST for low costs. The “T.I.R” technology was developed at the engine oils research and development center in Solaize, France.

TOTAL RUBIA, your vehicle;

  • Increased engine performance and extended engine life,
  • Increased engine protection capacity,
  • Extended transmission life,
  • Reduction in service and operating expenses,
  • It provides increased operational efficiency and profit.